Free immigration seminar, Saturday February 24th, 2018.
Faith UMC will be hosting a free know your rights Immigration seminar.
Please download our flyer for complete info.
"what you do for the least… you do for me"
Free immigration seminar, Saturday February 24th, 2018.
Faith UMC will be hosting a free know your rights Immigration seminar.
Please download our flyer for complete info.
The recent weather had been a struggle for families all over the east coast and mid-west. Freeze warnings are in place from the new England states to Florida.
With temperatures changing so fast, and dropping so low, it is hard to imagine what homeless people can do to stay warm this winter.
But thank God for the generous people at Faith UMC in Orlando, that donated a bunch of blankets and coats, and gathered around East Orlando to pass them to homeless people this past weekend!!
Please, pray that our brothers and sisters that are homeless can stay warm this winter!
The Matthew 25 Project is committed to continue to help neighbors and communities in east Orlando, and our presence, reputation and history continues to grow as we expand our reach to those that are in need.
Our thanks to all the volunteers that made this event a reality!!